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Course Guides
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Course Guides
Spring 2025
Fall 2024
Summer 2024
Spring 2024
Fall 2023
Spring 2023
Fall 2022
Summer 2022
Spring 2022
Previous Semesters
GU-Q: ECON 4082: Topics in Macro and Labor Economics
GU-Q: GOVT-1400: Comparative Political Systems
GU-Q: INAF-1810-72: Seeds of Science
GU-Q: INAF 1890: Water & Climate Crisis
GU-Q: IPOL 3380: Gulf Security in the Contemporary Era
ANTH 2233: Qatari Ethnography
ARAB 4403: Islam & Arab Culture in Golden Age
GOVT-4417: Politics and Society in the Gulf
GOVT 1600: Introduction to International Relations
GOVT 3372: Soccer Politics - World Cup
INAF-1810-70: Water & Climate Crisis
INAF-1810-72: Seeds of Science
INAF1810-73: Global Health and Climate Change
THEO-1000: The Problem of God
THEO-3824: Islamic Ethics
WRIT 1155: Writing and Culture
WRIT 1155: Writing and Culture (Critical AI)
WRIT 1155: Writing and Culture (Nationalism and Globalization)
ECON 3495 Applied Data Science in Economics
HIST-1601: Middle East Civilization I
INAF-2170: Greece Summer Symposium: Adaptation in a Climate Change Hotspot
IPOL 3384: Sports, Politics, and Society in the Middle East
THEO: Summer Semester 2024
CULP 3278 - Art, Media and Cultural Politics
ECON-3490-70 Field Experiments
ECON 4082: Topics in Macro and Labor Economics
GOVT 1400: Comparative Political Systems
GOVT 1600: Introduction to International Relations
HIST 1301: History of China
HIST 3108: Empires
HIST 4210: STEM and Power in Africa
THEO-001: The Problem of God
GOVT 1600: Introduction to International Relations
GOVT 3372: Soccer Politics - World Cup
HIST 1099: History of Anthropology
HIST 1109: Islamic World
HIST 1601: Middle East Civilization I
HIST 1602: Middle East Civilization II
HIST 3610: Women and Gender in the Middle East
HIST 4301: The Silk Road
IECO-4970 Research Project Design
INAF 1010: Proseminar
IPOL-3472: Comparative Populism
THEO-1000: The Problem of God
THEO-3920: Religious Pluralism in the Middle East & Islamic World
THEO 3824 Islamic Ethics
WRIT 1155 - Writing and Culture
ARAB - 397 Al-Andalus in Modern Arabic Literature
ARAB - 442 Sufism in Modern Arabic Literature
CULP 319 - Art, Media and Cultural Politics
GOVT-1400: Comparative Political Systems
HIST-109: Islamic World
HIST-123: History of China II
HIST 099: History of Anthropology
HIST 311-70: Africa and the Politico-Economics of Independence
IPOL 212: Scope and Methods for the Social Sciences
IPOL 326: The Theory and Politics of Citizenship
IPOL 327: Sports, Politics, and Society in the Middle East
IPOL 430: Political Economy of the Gulf
THEO-001: The Problem of God
THEO-113-70: Religious Pluralism in the Middle East & Islamic World
ANTH 233: Qatari Ethnography
ANTH 330: Indian Ocean Ethnography
GOVT 2240: Congress and the Presidency
HIST-007: Introduction to Early History: Europe I
HIST-160: Middle East I
INAF 100: Proseminar
IPOL 216: Global Politics of Sport
IPOL 327: Sports, Politics, and Society in the Middle East
PHIL 289: French and Francophone Philosophies
ANTH 233: Qatari Ethnography
HIST 109: Islamic World
IPOL 327: Sports, Politics, and Society in the Middle East
CULP 319: Art, Media and Cultural Politics
GOVT-040: Comparative Political Systems
HIST 007: Early Modern European History
HIST 161: Middle East Civilization II
HIST 180: US History I
HIST 181: US History Since 1865
HIST 308: Empires
HIST 317: Topics African Womens History
HIST 488: W.E.B. Du Bois
IPOL 216: Global Politics of Sport
IPOL 233: Public International Law
Fall 2020
ANTH 330: Indian Ocean Ethnography
ARAB 220: Advanced Modern Standard Arabic for Heritage Speakers
ARAB 403: Islam & Arab Culture in Golden Age
GOVT 060-70: Introduction to International Relations
GOVT 060-71: Introduction to International Relations
GOVT 060: Introduction to International Relations
HIST 007: Introduction to Early History - Europe I
HIST 008: Introduction to Late History Europe II
HIST 106 - Atlantic World
HIST 160: Middle East History I
HIST 181 - US History since 1865
HIST 192 - Problems in US Energy History
INAF-100-73: Proseminar - History and Popular Culture
INAF-100: Proseminar - Women in/and Journalism
INAF 100-70: Proseminar - Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue
INAF 100: Proseminar Guide
INAF 180 - Climate Know-How for Presidents
IPOL 210: Borders and Security Concerns
IPOL 233: Public International Law
IPOL 326: The Theory and Politics of Citizenship
IPOL 327: Sports, Politics, and Society in the Middle East
Spring 2020
CULP 226: Genocide/Revolution Postcolonial Zanzibar
ECON 377: Economies of East Asia
GOVT 212: Scope and Methods for the Social Sciences
HIST 008: Introduction to Late History Europe II
HIST 180: US History until 1865
HIST 293: Black Politics and Culture
HIST 297: Freedom Struggles in African Diaspora
HIST 308: Empires
THEO 201: Islamic Law and Coloniality
Fall 2019
ARAB 403: Arab-Islamic culture in the Golden Age
GOVT 090: Introduction to International Relations
HIST 317: Topics in African Women's History
HIST 488: W.E.B. DuBois
INAF 100-70 Proseminar - Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue
INAF 100-72 Proseminar - Harlem Renaissance
INAF 100-74 Proseminar - Spiritual Liberation
INAF 100: Studying the Qatar Crisis
INAF 247 - Nuclear Know-How for Presidents
Spring 2019
CULP 357 - Theorizing Gender Violence
INAF 356 - Gender Politics in African Cultures & Societies
HIST 161: Middle East Civilization II
HIST 181: United States History II
HIST 308: Empires
Fall 2018
ANTH 284 - African-American Ethnography & Film
HIST 180 - US History until 1865
IECO 400 Research Project Design
INAF 100: Studying the Qatar Crisis
INAF 100-73 Proseminar - History and Popular Culture
INAF 100-74: Proseminar - Genocide in the Modern World
INAF 100-75 Proseminar - Language and Identity
INAF 100-76 Proseminar - Nuclear Proliferation
INAF 497 : Emerging Powers in the Global Political Economy
IPOL 389: Right-wing Political Extremism in Europe
PHIL 099: Political & Social Thought
General Guides >>