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Types of resources online

Always consider carefully the types of sources you find online; it will help you determine their credibility and if they are the right fit for your assignments.

Think about the following:

  • What kind of content type do I need? A scholarly or newspaper article? A primary source like a speech or a peer-reviewed article from an academic journal?
  • Where does the source come from? On what type of website is it available?
  • Who is the creator of the source? Can I find its author? Who is publishing this source?

Click here to find more ways to verify your source's credibility.

Conducting effective and safe research online

Since a large part of your research for your assignments will take place online, here are some tips to make sure you are retrieving the best resources:

Google Scholar

Scholar is a great tool to find journal articles. Always start your Scholar searches from the GU-Q Library Homepage where you will find the tab "Google Scholar" in the main search box, as shown below:

scholar tab from library snapshot

Alternatively, you can add the Georgetown Library Link in the Settings section of Scholar: