A citation is how you tell your readers that certain ideas or material in your writing came from someone else - another source. Citations also provide your reader with all the information they need to find the source that you used.
It is really important to cite your sources as it:
You need to cite whenever you use someone else's ideas, words or other media (such as a videos, blogs, speeches, pictures)
The way that you cite depends on the citation style. The citation style refers to how the information about the source is ordered as well as punctuation and formatting. There are a number of different citation styles. The ones used at GUQ are APA, MLA and Chicago.
When you write a paper you will have an in-text citation and a reference list/bibliography. The in-text citation is the parenthetical citation in your paper. If you use APA, the in-text citation would contain the author's name, date of publication and the page number if you quoted from a source. The reference list appears at the end of the paper and provides all the bibliographic information about the source.
Find out what citation style your professor would like you to use and refer to the appropriate citation style section in this guide to help you cite correctly.
These two resources will help you with cite correctly using APA:
APA Style: Citing Sources Guide - from the Library at Georgetown University Qatar
APA Style and Formatting Guide - from Purdue Online Writing Lab
Another great resource to use is the Everyday Writer:
These two resources will help you with cite correctly using MLA:
MLA Style: Citing Sources - from the Library at Georgetown University Qatar
MLA Style and Formatting Guide - from Purdue Online Writing Lab
Another great resource to use is the Everyday Writer:
These two resources will help you with cite correctly using Chicago:
Chicago Style: Citing Sources - from the Library at Georgetown University Qatar
Chicago Style and Formatting Guide - from Purdue Online Writing Lab
Another great resource to use is the Everyday Writer: