This database includes archives and publications of the Chinese central government, its ministries and subsidiaries, and regional authorities. Contents include National Policies (2001- present), Regional Policies (2001- present), Speeches/Publications of Ministerial/Provincial Officers (2004- present), National/Provincial/Ministerial Government Annual Statements (1983- present), Foreign Minister's Spokesperson's Statements & Speeches (1997- present), and Foreign Minister's Press Conference (2001- present). With the National People’s Congress and the National Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference as its sources, the database provides official, authoritative research information on the Chinese government and other political issues in China.
The database is updated monthly or in a real time manner.
Dacheng (大成老旧刊) provides full-text access to over 140,000 issues in nearly 7,000 periodicals published before 1949. The database is a rich resource to researches in modern Chinese history, literature, politics, law, sociology and economics.
This collection provides researchers with six rare English-language journals, five of which were founded by Western missionaries in the Far East in the 19th century, covering a wide range of topics such as East-West communication, Christianity in China and other parts of Asia, and China’s political, economic, and cultural landscape. 1817-1901. Part of Archives Unbound.
Extensive range of archival material connected to the trading and cultural relationships that emerged between China, America and the Pacific region between the 18th and early 20th centuries. Manuscript sources, rare printed texts, visual images, objects and maps document this fascinating history.
The core of China: Culture and Society is the pamphlets held in the Charles W. Wason Collection on East Asia housed in the Carl A. Kroch Library of Cornell University. Mostly in English and published between c. 1750 and 1929, and amounting to around 1,200 items in 220 bound volumes. The pamphlets have all been digitised in colour and are full-text searchable. Types of material in the collection include: addresses and speeches, annual reports, assessments, catalogues, essays, examinations, guides and manuals, inquiries and studies, journals, lecture notes, letters, magazine articles, minutes of meetings, notes and records.
This full-text digital collection is based primarily on unique manuscript materials held at the library of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), the British Library in London, and supplemented by additional sources from seven institutes, such as the Cambridge University Library. This project provides a wide variety of original source material detailing China's interaction with the West from Macartney's first Embassy to China in 1793 to the Nixon/Heath visits to China in 1972-74. In addition, there are over 400 color paintings, maps and drawings by English and Chinese artists, as well as many photographs, sketches and ephemeral items depicting Chinese people, customs, and events.
17 English-language periodicals about China published between 1817 and 1949. The collection includes missionary periodicals, academic journals established by Western-educated Chinese scholars, and journals of early Sinology. Major topics include the development of colleges and universities in China, missionary activities, and contemporary accounts of the Taiping Rebellion, the Boxer Rebellion, and other events in China during the 19th and 20th centuries.
Chinese Foreign Policy Database is an online resource containing nearly 1,500 declassified documents on the international relations of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) since 1949.
Foreign Office files for China, 1919 - 1980 makes available the complete British Foreign Office files dealing with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan for much of the Twentieth Century. The documents combine eyewitness accounts, weekly and monthly summaries, annual reviews, reports and analyses with a synthesis of newspaper articles and conference reports, economic assessments and synopses.
The Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers collection provides invaluable perspective on this critical period. The press of more than twenty cities is represented, spanning the Chinese mainland and the entire half century. The collection provides researchers a richly comprehensive perspective on Chinese life, culture, and politics throughout the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, the years of provisional government and civil war, and the birth of the People’s Republic.
Open Access to this collection is made possible through the generous support of the Center for Research Libraries and its member institutions.
The first half of the twentieth century began with the demise of China’s last imperial dynasty, the Great Qing, and ended with the foundation of the People’s Republic of China in October 1949. Following the 1912 establishment of China’s first post-imperial government, the Republic of China, the country experienced both industrial and social revolution, a civil war during which communist and nationalist forces battled to shape the country’s future, and looming external threats during both world wars.
A collection of over 2,000 films produced in the USSR and other Communist countries during the Cold War, archived by the British Film Institute. All films have been versioned or dubbed into English and come with searchable transcripts.
The digitised films cover many aspects of the socialist experience from everyday life and society to culture, the Cold War, memory and current affairs. Footage includes documentaries, newsreels and feature films. This impressive collection reveals the world as seen by Soviet, Chinese, Vietnamese, East European, British and Latin American filmmakers. It ranges from the early twentieth century to the 1980s and examines the themes of War & Revolution (Module 1), News & Current Affairs (Module 2), and Culture & Society (Module 3). All films have been versioned or dubbed into English and come with searchable transcripts.
his digital collection reviews U.S.-China relations in the post-Cold War Era, and analyzes the significance of the 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstrations, China’s human rights issues, and resumption of World Bank loans to China in July 1990. Part of Archives Unbound.
The Current Digest of the Chinese Press provides a comprehensive, broad-survey understanding of current events as reported by mass media in the People’s Republic of China, offering readers, regardless of Chinese language ability, a much clearer (if more complex) view of the current Chinese reality. Content available through December 22, 2014.
A collection of more than 600 of the world's top newspapers and wire feeds. For nearly all of them, complete articles are available in text format. The Bangkok Post, El Norte, Financial Times, The Guardian, Jerusalem Post, South China Morning Post, The Daily Telegraph, and The Asian Wall Street Journal are just a few of the sources included.
CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) is an all-rounded access to resources in Chinese language. Click on "more" for the full database description.
The largest and most comprehensive electronic database published by CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database is an all-rounded access to resources in Chinese language including CAJ (China Academic Journals covering 10 major academic disciplines from 1994 onward ); CJP (Century Journal Project, 1915-1993), China Doctoral Dissertations Full-Text Database (from 1999 onward), China Master's Thesis Full-Text Database, China Proceedings of Conferences Full-Text Database (from 2000 onward), China Core Newspapers Full-Text Database (2000 onward), China Yearbooks Full-Text Database (1912 onward) and China Reference Works Online. Single database searching or cross-database federated searching option is available.