This guide is designed to help you find the best resources for your assignments for the course "Energy Policy in the Middle East".
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Watch the following video to learn how to construct a clear and focused research question
Fill in the handout below to make sure your research question is clear and focused
At the beginning stages of your assignment you will need some additional background information to clarify parts of your research question. Also, during the middle stages of your project, you might need to clarify a definition, or explore related topics.
Use reference sources to:
Now that you have settled on a research question, break it down to its basic concepts and create lists of keywords. Watch the following video to learn how to proceed from your research question to a list of relevant keywords.
Watch the following video to learn how to find print books and e-books using GU-Q Library's HoyaSearch.
An effective way to retrieve the most relevant results is to conduct a subject search. In "Advanced Search" on the library's website, use the "Subject" field. Combine your keywords with AND | OR | NOT expand or limit your searches accordingly. Some suggested searches for this course include:
"Energy policy" OR "Energy Policy, Economics and Management" (very broad search but includes all possible results )
"Middle East" AND "Energy" (very narrow search)
"Energy policy" NOT "renewable" (search results will not include the topic you are not interested in)
Watch the following video to learn how to find peer-reviewed articles using GU-Q Library's HoyaSearch.