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GU-Q: Up and Running with InDesign CS6: Home

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InDesign CS6 Essential Training

This course presents the core features and techniques that make this powerful page layout application fun and easy to use.

InDesign CS6 to HTML

Adobe InDesign content is unique in that it can be efficiently migrated from your print layout to HTML.

InDesign CS6 to EPUB, Kindle, and iPad

Starting from an overview of how ebooks are bought, sold, and read, the course shows how to prepare existing InDesign files for optimal EPUB conversion, and how to design new projects for a dual print/EPUB output.

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Safari Books Online

Adobe InDesign CS6 Classroom

This completely revised CS6 edition covers the new tools for adding PDF form fields, linking content, and creating alternative layouts for digital publishing.

Adobe InDesign CS6 on Demand

Need answers quickly? Adobe InDesign CS6 on Demand provides those answers in a visual step-by-step format. We will show you exactly what to do through lots of full color illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions.

Real World Adobe InDesign CS6

Sharpen your InDesign skills with this definitive resource created specifically for design professionals who need to layout out, proof, export, and publish pages with Adobe InDesign CS6.

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YouTube Videos

How To Get Started With Adobe InDesign CS6

In this episode of the Adobe Creative Suite Podcast Terry White shows you how to get started with Adobe InDesign CS6 from scratch.

Chapter 01 Introduction

Compete Adobe indesign CS6 tutorial for beginners with working files.

Crash Course on InDesign CS6

Get a start using Adobe Indesign CS6.