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GU-Q: Up and Running with Microsoft Excel: Home

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Excel 2016 Essential Training

Learn how to best enter and organize data, perform calculations with simple functions, work with multiple worksheets, format the appearance of your data and cells, and build charts and PivotTables.

Excel 2016: Charts in Depth

Charts allow you to communicate information visually, in a way that's more impactful than raw data, and they happen to be one of the most powerful and easy-to-use features in Microsoft Excel.

Excel 2016: Macros in Depth

Macros can help you save enormous amounts of time, but they are uncharted territory for many Excel users.

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Safari Books Online

Microsoft Excel 2016 Step by Step

Get more done quickly with Excel 2016. Jump in wherever you need answers--brisk lessons and full-color screen shots show you exactly what to do, step by step.

Excel 2016 In Depth

Emphasis is on the most-used and new aspects of Excel 2016.

Excel 2016 Bible

The Excel 2016 Bible is your comprehensive, go-to guide for all your Excel 2016 needs.

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YouTube Videos

A comprehensive tutorial on using Excel 2016, whether you are a student, a business user or in a corporate environment.

Introductory video for users of Excel's basic functionality

Beginners tutorial for Microsoft 2016 you will learn the basics of Excel 2016.