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GU-Q INAF-100-70: Proseminar - Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue

What are Databases?

In the library, databases are websites that connect researchers to information online.

  • Most of the results you will find in databases (and HoyaSearch) are peer reviewed (or scholarly). This means a book or article that is written by an expert and reviewed by their academic peers for quality before publication.
  • HoyaSearch includes many of the results you will also find in databases like EBSCOHost Academic Search Premier or JSTOR.
  • Databases like EBSCOHost Academic Search Premier and JSTOR provide access to millions of articles.
  • Not all the information in the library's databases is listed in HoyaSearch. Therefore, it's necessary sometimes to go to the database directly.
  • Many databases offer specialized content. For example, the database Testaments to the Holocaust has content focused specifically on the Holocaust.

Use the library's A-Z Database list to explore databases.

Examples of Library Databases

Multi-Disciplinary and Large Databases

Specialized Databases