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GU-Q: Up and Running with Pages: Home

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Pages 5 Essential Training

Make your documents stunning with Pages, Apple's powerful word processing and page layout application.

Pages '09 Essential Training

Reveals creative, time-saving features in Apple's word processing and page layout tool.

Pages '08 Essential Training

Teaches users how to create elegant and effective documents in Pages '08.

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Safari Books Online

Apple Pro Training Series: Pages, Numbers, and Keynote

In the only Apple-certified book on the Apple productivity apps–Pages, Numbers, and Keynote, you’ll learn the how and why of creating and publishing first-rate documents, spreadsheets, and presentations

Take Control of Pages

Apple's Pages word processor is a big, sprawling app with hundreds of features tucked away in nooks and crannies, making Michael E. Cohen's comprehensive book an essential resources for newbies and experts alike.

Word Processing in Pages '09: The Mini Missing Manual

Whether you're a Word maven, a Windows switcher, or new to computers entirely, you'll get up to speed in Pages much more quickly with the help of this eBook.

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YouTube Videos

Pages for Mac is a powerful word processor that gives you everything you need to create documents that look beautiful.

A beginner tutorial for Apple’s Pages 5 for Mac OS X to serve as a quick start guide to using Pages for new users or users just looking to learn some additional features.

Making a brochure for a school project is easy using Apple’s Pages. In this tutorial we’ll take a look at the basics of changing text, colors, and adding photos to make your brochure.