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GU-Q: Up and Running with Canvas LMS: Home

Getting Started

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Learn Canvas 2016

Learn how to use Canvas 2016 to set up an online classroom, enroll students, add assignments and assessments, promote class discussions, and more.

Up and Running with Canvas 2015

Learn how to build a course, add students, and facilitate online learning with the Canvas LMS.

Blended Learning Fundamentals

Learn how to use a blended learning approach in the classroom. Find out how to combine face-to-face instruction with online learning and create dynamic, engaging, and student-focused lessons.

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Safari Books Online

Canvas LMS Course Design

Canvas LMS Course Design will guide you through the steps of setting up your Canvas account, adding content and assignments, designing and customizing the course layout, and teaching your course.

Visual Design for Online Learning

Visual Design for Online Learning spotlights the role that visual elements play in the online learning environment. The book guides you in adding pedagogically relevant visual design elements that contribute to effective learning practices.

Mastering the Instructional Design Process

Mastering the Instructional Design Process provides step-by-step guidance on the design and development of an engaging, effective training program.

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YouTube Videos

Canvas LMS: Adopted by teachers and students worldwide

What is Canvas? This video discusses how and why educators are using Canvas for learning.

The Cool Things You Can Do With Canvas

Canvas - the open, easy-to-use, cloud-native learning management system, as well as Canvas Network, an index of open, online courses by educators everywhere.

Get to know Canvas

An overview of Canvas, the easy-to-use LMS.